Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Gospel of John

Introducing John's Gospel (12.03.23) 

John 1:1-18 (19.03.23)

John 1:19-34 (02.04.23)

John 1:35-51 (16.04.23) The Testimony of Jesus' first disciples

John 2:1-12 (23.04)

John 2:13-25 (30.04) Jesus cleanses the temple

John 3:1-21 (07.05)

John 3v1-21 The New Birth and Saving Faith (14.05.2023)

John 3v22-4v3 The Testimony of the Best Man (21.05.23)

John 4v1-15 The Samaritan Woman at the Well (28.05.23)

John 4v6-15 Living Water (04.06.23)

Rob Harrod - John 4v16-45 The Samaritan Town Believes (11.06.23)

Rob Harrod - John 4v43-54 Jesus' First Healing Miracle (18.08.23)

Rob Harrod - John 5v1-18 Healing at Bethesda (25.06.2023)

Rob Harrod - John 5v18-29 The Authority of the Son (02.07.23)

Rob Harrod - John 5v30-47 Witnesses to Jesus (09.07.23)

Rob Harrod - John 6v1-15 The feeding of the 5000 (30.07.23)

Rob Harrod - John 6v16-21 Jesus walks on water (06.08.23)

Rob Harrod - John 6v35-48 I am the Bread of Life (13.08.23)

Rob Harrod - John 6v41-66 Many Disciples Turn Away (20.08.23)

Rob Harrod - John 6v60-71 The Twelve Remain (27.08.23)

Rob Harrod - John 9v18-41 (08.10.23)

Rob Harrod - John 10v1-12 The Good Shepherd in a world of thieves and robbers (15.10.23)

Rob Harrod - John 10v1-18 Abundant Life (22.10.23)

Rob Harrod - John 10v22-42 (29.10.23)

Rob Harrod - John 11v1-16 Lessons in the Shadow of Death (05.11.23)

Rob Harrod - John 11v17-38 (19.11.23)

Rob Harrod - John 11v38-54 (26.11.23)

Rob Harrod - John 11v45-12v11 (03.12.23)

Rob Harrod - John 12v12-19 The Triumphal Entry (10.12.23)

Rob Harrod - John 12v20-50 (17.12.23)

Rob Harrod - John 13v1-20 (07.04.24)

Rob Harrod - John 13v1-20 Servants of the Servant King (14.04.24)

Rob Harrod - John 13v18-38 Persistence in Suffering (21.04.24)

Rob Harrod - John 13v34-35 A New Commandment (28.04.24)

Rob Harrod - John 14v1-15 Part 1 (05.05.24)

Rob Harrod - John 14v1-15 Part 2 (12.05.24)

Rob Harrod - John 14 v 16-31 The Promise Of The Holy Spirit (26.05.24)

Rob Harrod - John 14 v 16-31 The Promise Of The Holy Spirit Part 2 (02.06.24)

Rob Harrod - John 15v1-11 The Vine and The Branches Pt.1 (09.06.24)

Rob Harrod - John 15v1-17 The Vine and The Branches Pt.2 (16.06.24)

Rob Harrod - John 15v18-16v4 Jesus' friends hated by the world (30.06.24)

Rob Harrod - John 16v1-13 The Spirit and the world (07.07.24)

Rob Harrod - John 16v12-15 The Spirit and the Church (14.07.24)

Rob Harrod - John 16v16-33 (21.07.24)

Rob Harrod - John 16v16-33 Part 2 (28.07.24)

Rob Harrod - John 17v1-10 The High Preistly Prayer Pt. 2 (11.08.24)

Rob Harrod - John 17 The High Preistly Prayer Pt.3  (18.08.24)

Rob Harrod - John 17v14-26 The High Preistly Prayer Pt.3  (25.08.24)